Maria Benardis was voted No.1 on the list of “The Top 10 Females Disrupting the Health Industry in 2023”
‘Maria has been my health and wellness coach for the past two years. During this time, she has not only guided me towards a healthier way of eating, but also helped me discover how I can be my best self, spiritually and emotionally. Her knowledge of the ancient Greek diet and its benefits is extensive and she relays it with patience and grace. Maria meets you where you are at and there is no “one-way fits all” approach when she is addressing your needs. One of the many adjustments I have made through Maria’s suggestion is in applying the Lifewave products that she herself uses daily. Specifically, the X39 patch! I have been using it for the past six months and have seen amazing results in losing weight and in my overall health. People who have known me for most of my life are shocked and cannot believe that I am the same person. Some of them have also begun to use the X39 patch and they too are seeing wonderful results. I will finish by saying that Maria’s authenticity and agapi are present in all she says and does, and that is why I could never do justice in expressing the enormous positive impact that she has had in my life with mere words. She is a rare gem and was a godsend for me, for which I am eternally grateful’.– Sotiria
When the Vibration and The Frequency of the Mind, Body & Spirit are in Harmony, NO disease or illness can make it their home – Maria Benardis
How I can be of service to you – whether its personal coaching, grocery shopping tours, personal kitchen (or pantry) or home organizing we have got you covered.
“Helping humanity thrive and realize their limitless potential by equipping them with the know-how to maximize their health and wellness.” – Maria Benardis
Maria Benardis adopts an Ancient Greek intuitive holistic approach to her health & wellness coaching.
Maria will help you get your ideal weight, get healthy, feel more energized and stay that way forever. She is also helping get ready for their ascension. She looks at your goals, challenges you are facing and opportunities that you might be missing. Together we uncover any problems that you might be missing that may be sabotaging your results. She assesses all this with her “harmonious intuitive wellness™” session during which you both create a crystal-clear vision for ultimate success, uncover hidden challenges that may be in the way, and you leave the session feeling renewed, re-energized and inspired to get the results faster than before or than you though possible.
She will guide you, support you and help you achieve you goals for better health, wellness and happiness. She provides you with the tools and wisdom to address any blockages or challenges to your health, happiness and well-being. She adopts Ancient Greek wisdoms and philosophies that worked thousands of years ago. The same wisdoms that helped her with her healing journey and years of health issues.
These wisdoms and philosophies enlighten us to cleanse and detoxify our diet, emotions, thoughts, soul, and environment to achieve optimal health and longevity. You have all the answers within you. I coach you and awaken and empower you to your own self-healing powers and potential. In the words of Hippocrates (The Father of Medicine) of “let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food” (achieving better health by what you eat, how you cook and how you eat) and “natural forces within us are the true healers of disease” (achieving a better connection with yourself by what you think and feel emotionally, and how you think and feel emotionally).
My health coaching services incorporate a harmonious balance between the mind, body and spirit to achieve positive lifestyle shifts. Together, we explore your specific concerns and discover the tools you need for a lifetime of balance. Whatever your goal or dream whether you want to lose weight, get healthier, make positive changes to your diet, choose healthier menus, or to detox your household environment I am here to help you along your journey so you reach your dream destination. My services are available in person, over the phone or online using ZOOM.
1 hour consultation – $300 USD
VIP package (3 months support) – $3,600 USD
-9 – 45-minute consultations (zoom calls or in person)
-Weekly check ins
-Email support
-Personalized diet plan addressing the mind, body, and spirit (includes fitness and nutrition).
For existing clients you can book a private session with Maria Benardis at the below link:
Disclaimer: Please note that we are not medical professionals. The views and opinions expressed by us and on this web-site and BLOG are purely our own and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult your doctor before making any dietary or exercise changes.