Oxygen Therapy – Gold Standard Organic Sulfur (MSM) – Chi Energy Activation


Our Bodies Need Sulfur. Are you getting enough?

Some health benefits of Organic Sulfur

-Anti-cancer effects – this is because the oxygenation of the cells and tissues can create an aerobic environment

-Helps flush out toxins in the body

-It helps the body properly regulate hormone production that leads to lower blood sugar levels

Makes the body resistant to viruses

-Promotes an increase in enzyme production within the glands in the body

-Helps to maintain healthy blood circulation

Reduces muscle inflammation by promoting healing in the muscles and preventing them from becoming sore

Promotes healthy skin, increased growth of hair and fingernails and reduces joint discomfort. It is one of the main ingredients in moisturizing creams.

Helps eliminate parasites living in the colon

Helps alleviate PMS and headaches

Helps promote healthy eyes. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of sulfur crystals in 4 ounces of water to use as eye drops.

And more,

To learn more visit the store at:


Some tips to maximise the benefits of Dr. Ron’s MSM. 5 Categories you’ll want to avoid according to Dr. Ron!

“Almost every single time I talk to someone about this I find out that that one of the following is true:

1. They aren’t drinking enough water. Remember the formula, 1oz of water per every 2lbs of body weight.

2. They are drinking water that contains chlorine, this will drastically reduce the effectiveness of the sulfur. If you don’t have a good clean water source, you can use tap water but it must come from the hot water side.

3. They are taking the sulfur at the same time as other medications. I recommend to take the sulfur first thing of a morning, 30 minutes before taking anything else. Why? Many other supplements contain fillers and anti-caking agents that can reduce the sulfur’s effectiveness.

4. They aren’t taking enough sulfur. I recommend taking 1-1.5 teaspoons of sulfur, per 100lbs of body weight. You really want to work up to the full 1.5 teaspoons per dose for maximum benefits.

5. They are only taking one dose. I recommend taking the 1st dose first thing of a morning, and then the second dose 2 hrs after lunch (on empty stomach).

To get the absolute most out of your Organic Sulfur it is critical to not fall into one of the 5 categories above.”

Please view a video interview with Maria Benardis and Dr. Ron Neer:

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Please see other videos with Dr. Ron Neer:

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Eye Health with Dr. Ron Neer (includes eye health for your pets)

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Gut Health with Dr. Ron Neer

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Dental Health with Dr. Ron Neer

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Detox to kick-start your Health (Detox Tips) with Dr. Ron Neer

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How to boost your immune system with Dr. Ron Neer

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How to Detox From Spiked Proteins and the JAB:

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