1. Eat at home instead of eating out
Most eating establishments unfortunately do not use healthy ingredients to prepare the food that they sell to the consumer. Many use genetically modified ingredients, ingredients with pesticides and chemicals, “bad oils” etc For example they use vegetable oils, canola oil/corn oil/cotton seed oil (these usually genetically modified oils), peanut oil, hydrogenated oil, and palm oil. In order for them to make a profit they usually buy the cheapest ingredients available. Concern for your health is not one of their top priorities. Profit and a healthy bottom line unfortunately take priority over your health.
When you cook at home you choose the ingredients and you can control what you are eating and your health. Eating out should be a “treat” and exercise in moderation.
Next time you are eating out why not ask the establishment some intelligent questions about the ingredients they are using and where they are from.
2. Purchase ingredients and brands that care about you and the enviroment
When shopping for your ingredients do you genuinely know what you are buying? Is the apple you are about to enjoy really just an apple or has someone in the supply chain added a few complimentary chemicals, pesticides and has being genetically modified that you are not aware of? Has the ingredient been handled with respect from its source to the supermarket? It’s comforting to know that certified organically grown foods do not come with these surprising and harmful add-ons.
Chemicals and pesticides should not be used on food and if they are then they should be clearly labeled and outlined so that consumers are aware. Would you voluntarily spray insecticide on your food before you eat it? If not, then why are you letting others do this for you and then paying them to do so? It is not surprising that we have so many unexplainable health issues in this world.
Avoid or at the very least minimize your intake of ingredients and foods that not labeled as non-GMO, are riddled with pesticides and chemicals, have monosodium glutamate (MSG), contain aspartame, artificially flavours, artificial sweeteners and colours, white processed sugar and any other ingredient you do not recognize or are able to read. These are all toxic ingredients and there are healthier alternatives. For example substitute sugar with stevia.
Brands that contain these ingredients do not care about your health they care only for their bottom line and making a profit. If they cared they would use healthier alternatives that would not be a detriment to your health.
Did you know that Monsanto that produces genetically modified ingredients (GMO’s) is lobbying for a law change in the USA to protect them from people ever being able to sue them for any adverse health effects when eating their ingredients? If GMO ingredients and food containing these ingredients is so healthy then what are they afraid of? Who is really protecting the consumer? One thing I know for sure is that it’s not the “brand names” or the brands we see on TV or in the major grocery stores.
Minimise buying ingredients and products that do not a certified organic certification or a non-GMO label.
3. Buy locally grown ingredients
Buying from the local farmers markets is not only an adventure but you are buying directly from the grower who you can ask whether their ingredients contain any harmful add-ons. You are also supporting local farmers and saving money as well. Buying locally ensures you are not buying food products that contain harmful “made from imported ingredients” labels usually from China.
4. Stop or minimize your intake of processed food
When we make a daily choice of eating processed foods and supporting the companies who make the products we are directly contributing to factory farmed animals, caged chickens and ultimately contributing to the destruction of our enviroment. Many of these foods are also riddled with the toxins and chemicals.
5. Write to Government and ask them to stop feeding us toxic food
If you care about your health why not write (or email or post on their face book pages etc) to the U S Food and Drug Administration and the Food Standards Australia New Zealand and ask them to stop the use of chemicals and pesticides on our food; to stop the approval of the use of GMO ingredients in our food; to stop the toxic fluoride in our water and foods; to stop the use of other dangerous ingredients in our food such as aspartame, MSG, white processed sugar etc
Tell them that you value your health and that truthful and genuine food safety is important to you.
6. Drink less sodas and sweet drinks or eliminate them from your diet
Most sodas and sweet drinks contain many chemicals especially the diet or ones claiming to have no sugar unless off course they use stevia.
Most of these drinks contain harmful chemicals such as aspartame, white processed sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, artificial colours and chemicals etc
Did you know that the U.S. consumer watchdog The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) said popular sodas “contain high levels of a chemical that’s used to give cola its caramel coloring – and that chemical could raise a soda-drinkers’ cancer risk”?.
Why not drink water (with no fluoride) or a freshly squeezed juice instead?
7. Minimise or eliminate your intake of meat and poultry
Meat and poultry contain high level of antibiotics that are injected into the animals and they are mostly fed grains and corn (most likely to be genetically modified) to make them fat quicker for sale. In their natural environment they eat grass not grains. They are factory farmed and small confined spaces and not treated with respect and love.
We then ingest the antibiotics, cruelty, pain, toxic grains, toxic corn into our bodies which ultimately affects our health.
When eating meat or poultry choose certified organic.
8. Avoid buying and eating farm raised fish
Companies produce farm raised fish to make a profit. These fish are fed unnatural feed that could include GMO ingredients to fatten them up quickly and they can be highly toxic compared to their natural wild counterparts.
9. Stop buying unhealthy oils
If you use bad oils in your cooking it will come back to you in the form of a bad-tasting dish and possibly ill health down the track. Ensure you good oils, such as extra virgin olive oil, coconut oils etc and show respect for your wellbeing.
Avoid toxic vegetable oils, canola oil/corn oil/cotton seed oil (these usually genetically modified oils), peanut oil, and palm oil. By avoiding some of these oils e.g. palm oil you are also minimizing the destruction to our lands and the environment.
10. Learn to read and understand product labels
Make a point to know what is in your food and where it comes from.
Most labels are aimed at deceiving and confusing people. If you do not recognize the ingredient or you cannot pronounce it then it is probably not good for you.
Avoid labels that also claim to be fat free, sugar free etc. Fat free or low fat does not mean it is healthy. Many of these products are loaded with sugars and chemicals that when eaten your body turns them into fat.
Avoid labels that claim to be fat free. Sugar free does not mean healthy for you. These are usually laced with aspartame or artificial sweeteners that are toxic.
Also exercise caution with labels that state “made from imported ingredients”. These labels may for example use toxic imported ingredients from countries like China. Only buy products that are truthful and clear about the country of origin and therefore you are able to investigate that countries methods and food practices.
Minimise buying ingredients and products that do not a certified organic certification or a non-GMO label.
You can also find Maria Benardis & Greekalicious at:
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