by Maria Benardis | Mar 20, 2023 | Greekalicious
CUSTOMER REVIEWS If you would like to view some testimonials please contact me on Disclaimer: The statements on LifeWave products on this website or associated materials have not been evaluated by any regulatory authority and are not intended to...
by Maria Benardis | Feb 21, 2023 | Greekalicious
How they work – The Sun Story It’s been known for thousands of years that specific frequencies of light can cause specific changes within the body. When we go out in the sun, a specific frequency of light causes our body to make Vitamin D. Another specific...
by Maria Benardis | Feb 21, 2023 | Greekalicious
Please also read my BLOG on LifeWave x39 basics and how they work at the below link to maximize the effectiveness of your patches. You can read at this LINK. LifeWave X39 Patch Placements OVERVIEW OF PATCHES AND PLACEMENT SPECIFIC Alavida Patch Placements Energy...
by Maria Benardis | Nov 12, 2022 | Greekalicious
The word “diet” comes from the ancient Greek “diaita,” which means “the way of life.” In Ancient Greece, a diet was about good health of the mind, body and spirit. All three components must be addressed and brought into harmony! You cannot just focus on one...
by Maria Benardis | Jul 22, 2021 | Greekalicious
By Maria Benardis (Extracts from the Book “Cooking & Eating Wisdom for Better Health) The ancient Greek diet, somewhat surprisingly, was mostly vegetarian. The vast majority of Greeks even those in the higher classes, did not eat red meat or even poultry on a...
by Maria Benardis | Feb 22, 2021 | Greekalicious
CBD HEMP THERAPY IN ANCIENT GREECE Cannabis has a long history of use, both medicinal and recreational, in Greece. In Ancient Greece cannabis had a place in the Greek home and Pharmacopeia. CBD/Hemp was a therapy incorporated in everyday life. It was also used in...