Did you know…
✅ By age 35, you have lost over 50% of your cell activity


✅ By age 65, you will lose almost ALL cell activity


✅ The LESS cell activity you have… the FASTER you age and the SLOWER you heal!


How they work – The Sun Story

It’s been known for thousands of years that specific frequencies of light can cause specific changes within the body.

When we go out in the sun, a specific frequency of light causes our body to make Vitamin D. Another specific frequency of light (UV) will cause our body to make melanin, the chemical that gives us a suntan. LifeWave‘s patented technology is based on this same scientific principle.

Instead of an active light source such as a laser or lamp, LifeWave utilizes a patch that reflects very specific wavelengths of light to the skin. The nerves on the skin are stimulated by these specific wavelengths of light, and this triggers a very specific chemical reaction in the body. Because there are no drugs or supplements involved, LifeWave patches go to work immediately.

Benefits of x39?

X39 – What is it? What can it do for you? How to maximize its benefits?

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Please visit my patching placement BLOG PAGE HERE

View Customer Testimonials HERE:


STAY HYDRATED – Sip slowly on water all day long…rather than ‘chugging’ an entire glass of water all at once. To find out how much water for you/day: take your body weight and divide by 2 = ounces/day. Drinking only reverse osmosis water or distilled water will hinder x39. Tea and coffee does NOT count as water.


TAKE A COPPER SUPPLEMENT this enhances the effects of the x39 patch! Drink out of a copper cup! (COQ10 and Tumeric also recommended?). 


(Please limit processed foods and sugar. These slow down the progress of the patches. A diet in acidic food also slows down the progress and why a high vibration diet is important. Important to reduce stress because this slows down the progress of the patch.)

The nutrition i take daily:

RAIN HEALTH & ASCENSION NUTRITION – Experience the power of seed-based nutrition.

View more HERE:

12 HOURS ON & 12 HOURS OFF Wear the patch for 12 hours. Discard patch. Then wait 12 hours before applying a fresh one. Your body may become attenuated to the patch and stop responding if you wear it 24 hours, day after day. Be consistent and wear it every day. Try not to miss days! Missing days delays results!

Caution: Remove immediately if you feel discomfort or if skin irritation occurs. Please contact me and i will assist you with an alternate way to wear them e.g. on clothing.

• Do not reuse the patch once it has been removed from the skin.
• For external use only.
• Do not ingesst.
• Do not use on wounds or damaged skin.
• Ask a health professional before using if you have a health condition or any questions or concerns about your health.
• Do not use if pregnant or nursing.

MINIMUM LENGTH OF TIME TO WEAR – I recommend you wear x39 a minimum of one month for every 10 years of age to experience the full benefits. For 75 years old; at least 8 months. You cannot expect all the damage inflicted on the body to be healed overnight or in a month. You need to allow your body the time it requires to self-heal! After this you continue wearing the patch to maintain your health and for your body to continue to detox, and regenerate new healthy stem cells! Overall, 6 month minimum is recommended!

What you see after 6 weeks of wearing x39?

How long till you see results?

WORK WITH YOUR DOCTOR TO REMOVE UNNECESSARY MEDICATIONS – Taking more than 2 medications slows down the process of healing.

HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF AND GOD – Have an intention to heal! Have an intention that you will heal and be the best version of yourself! Affirm: I am healed! I am healthy and feel young!

A recommended Prayer by one of our LifeWave Doctors – Dr Stanley Gravely, PHD:

Almighty God of Light and Love, I thank you for Lifewave technology that uses the Light Force Energy of your Infinite Spirit to activate the cells of my body to perform the way you created then to give me life and vitality. As I apply this patch to my body, I believe that my cells will be activated to heal and restore life. I receive this regenerative power into my life to rejuvenate my body which is the Temple of God! I give thanks for this technology that is restoring my health and vitality! And so IT is, AMEN. 🙏 

Other helpful facts:

BEFORE AND AFTER 6 MONTHS – I recommend you get lab tests done. Go to three practitioners: eye exam, dental exam, and medical exam (ask for a basic and comprehensive metabolic panel, complete blood count, lipid panel, thyroid panel, C-reactive protein test, and vital nutrient levels). This will show you the positive results x39 and the patch range is achieving! I also encourage you to take a before and after picture to compare. Additionally, you can see a practitioner that has a Hunter frequency machine (Bio-resonance machine) and do a full body scan.

NON-TRANSDERMAL Nothing from the patch enters your body.

CAN I GET THE PATCHES WET? Yes, you can! “They are impermeable to moisture and other environmental factors.”

BODY HEAT The infrared heat from your body activates the patches… up to 3″ away from your body; so don’t carry extra patches in your pocket or in your wallet.

CONSIDER ADDING THE AEON PATCH OR ANOTHER PATCH- Many have chronic inflammation in their body and under a lot of stress or suffering anxiety/depression! This is why I recommend you consider adding the AEON patch to your regime. It is a master Anti-Inflammatory, Anti Stress aka HAPPY PATCH, Raises Antineoplastons & DHEA, Brain Balancing, Calming and Reduces Cortisol & C-Reactive Proteins. Please reach out to me so we can determine the best patching protocol for you!

ADD MSM to your routine to cleanse any parasites, detox and send oxygen to the cells! You can view more HERE! See my shop page to view videos with Dr. Ron HERE.

Some additional tips from David the Inventor and CEO at LifeWave:

Good news! We can put a patch on our pet’s collar tag, and the patch will be activated by its body heat. Some people just put the LifeWave X39™ directly on the animal’s hair or fur. If it doesn’t stick, put some tape over the patch and press firmly down so that it really sticks!

How to Boost Your x39 experience!

Discover the Full Range of LifeWave Patch Range HERE: