I have many short videos on my face book page and telegram channel that you can view. The below link also has many amazing testimonials: also see videos HERE:View video HERE:Testimonials:
A Heartwarming Story of Joans memory loss recovery‘My scars have noticeably lightened’
I’ve been using the X39™ for the past couple of weeks using the recommended placements. I have 2 scars under and next to my belly button… I’ve had these scars since September when I had surgeries. I’m a neuromuscular myonetics specialist so I can feel the scar tissues on the skin and underneath. I noticed the past couple of weeks since I started using X39® that the scars were itchy. This morning I noticed my scars were healing and scar tissues aren’t as painful, and I can move it around freely. The scars are feeling more like regular skin tissues and I’m getting sensations back in the scarred areas. I used to have 1 long, thick noticeable scar from my belly button down to my lower abdomen. Where I’ve been placing the X39™ and below the belly button has noticeably lightened. Also want to add that the scar in the belly button used to be painful and easily agitated…. but not anymore. I have great appreciation for X39®. – SERGIO EAPINOZA ‘After 7 days the pain was gone’ ‘The healing curve is faster’ ‘Very Rapid Healing after 48 hours’ ‘Healed within 5 Days’ ‘The doctor said she was amazed at how ‘Incredible results after 3 months’ ‘X39 addressed my skin issues in 4 days’ ‘My skin all over my body feels softer’ ‘Less wrinkles & smoother skin’ ‘Skin is smoother & softer’ ‘My Skin Looks Much Younger and Healthier’ ‘My skin responds positively to it’ ‘Increased Skin Suppleness’ ‘I’m still astounded at this effect’ ‘Day two his pain was reduced down to 95%’ ‘The pain went away immediately’ ‘The pain finally went away with the X39™’ ‘The effect is almost a miracle!’ ‘Yea David! I think that this is your best yet’ ‘I have extra energy and motivation
‘Tremendous amount of energy until ‘The energy is never lacking with X39™’ ‘More energy and natural day rhythm’ ‘I feel more focused, energetic and youthful’ ‘Significant change in my overall energy level’ ‘My catabolic state shortened by 50%’ ‘After 9 months of pain, I’m back at the gym’ ‘It gives me more energy and I feel stronger’ ‘Within 5 minutes my muscle soreness went away’ ‘My shoulder was all the way back to normal’ ‘My recovery times after training have ‘I could have stayed at the gym for 2 hours’ ‘I don’t feel like I need to wait 2 days to recover’ ‘I am sleeping even better’ ‘I don’t wake up groggy anymore!’ ‘My Sleep is Excellent’ ‘This is really life changing for me’ ‘My Sleep has improved’ ‘I enjoy a deep sleep of 7-8 hours’ ‘I was able to sleep without sleeping pills’ ‘My hairdresser was amazed how fast ‘Pain is diminishing… more energy’ ‘Looking at the testimonials it looks like it is too good to be true but so many people could not be blowing smoke’ ‘I noticed so many benefits’ ‘It’s stopped two migraine attacks’ Disclaimer: The statements on LifeWave products on this website or associated materials have not been evaluated by any regulatory authority and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. The content provided by Living Better Community, and Living Better Group or LifeWave is presented in summary form, general in nature, and provided for informational purposes only. Do not disregard any medical advice you have received or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on our websites or associated materials. Please consult your own physician or appropriate health care provider about the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your own symptoms or medical conditions as these diseases commonly present with variable signs and symptoms. Always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet, or fitness program. We assume no liability or responsibility for damage or injury to persons or property arising from any use of any product, information, idea, or instruction contained in the materials provided to you. Living Better Community, Living Better Group, and LifeWave reserves the right to change or discontinue at any time any aspect or feature containing our information.