Hi Everyone
I am excited to announce that i have joined the New Earth University family. I am a faculty instructor, at the the New Earths University’s School of Health & Wellness representing its discipline, Wellness Sovereignty.
As faculty instructor she teaches an online course, Ancient Greek Hidden Practices for Health, Happiness, Harmony & Wellness (Fall 2020)
I will be teaching, The Ancient Greek Hidden Practices for Health, Happiness, Harmony, and Wellness. The Steps to Transform Your Health & Life – A return to agapi and the real diet.
You can learn more about the online course i offer at:
What you will get from this course:
Learn the Ancient Greek practices and tools to health, happiness and harmony. Practices and tools that create a healthier you and future for yourself.
Good health, happiness and harmony is achievable. It happens when you decide to step up and cause change to happen.
In this online workshop, Maria Benardis, will walk you through the steps to make the changes required.
You’ll explore what the various Ancient Greek practices and tools that you can begin to incorporate in your life. This includes many of the suppressed therapies.
You’ll discover the food and mind medicine that was used in Ancient Greece for optimum health and wellness
You’ll discover some every day ingredients in your pantry that heal and how they were used in Ancient Greece to aid in good health
Perhaps most importantly, you’ll learn to develop your own personalized Ancient Greek based wisdom diet; that heals and improves mind, body and spirit.
The course is built around 10 Ancient Greek practices that challenge conventional wisdom. Through a series of videos and additional literature, Maria will introduce you to ideas that will help empower you to make changes in your life that will lead to better health, happiness and harmony. You will become a master of your own health and well-being.
By the end of this course you will also be able to make powerful changes to your diet and you will have greater clarity on what to eat every day.
The workshop is an active journey of self-reflection. You should be prepared to roll up your sleeves and reflect on your priorities and the type of changes you want to make, regardless of where you are in your health and life journey.
You’ll leave the experience transformed. All the tools and templates are provided for you to develop your personalized Ancient Greek based wisdom diet.
The course will help you return to living with agapi (Unconditional Love) and the real true diet (ancient Greek word meaning a “way of life”).