Hail the Kale…

Hail the Kale…

Kale has it origins in ancient Greece and Rome. Kale is the ancient member of the cabbage family. Kale was widely consumed in ancient Greece and was and still is used for medicinal purposes. To the Greeks kale has always been considered a super food and it grows wild...
Cooking & Eating Wisdom for Better Health

Cooking & Eating Wisdom for Better Health

The ideas behind “Cooking & Eating Wisdom for Better Health” and what I would like people to takeaway after reading the book. Cooking & Eating Wisdom for Better Health teaches people how to cook intuitively using healing ingredients that harmonize your body...
My background and how it helped…

My background and how it helped…

My background and how it helped in the writing of “Cooking & Eating Wisdom for Better Health”… I started my working life as an accountant and concentrated in taxation law. Completing my two degrees; Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and a Masters...
The healing properties of Water

The healing properties of Water

Water is one of the sources of energy that our bodies cannot live without. Most of our body is made up of water and therefore it requires the energy of water to be added to replenish and repair it. Water is one of the four elements which forms earths and our...