The Wisdom of Garlic

The Wisdom of Garlic

(An extract from the new book by Maria Benardis “Cooking & Eating Wisdom for Better Health – How the wisdom of ancient Greece can lead to longevity”. (Balboa press)) © 2013 Maria Benardis. All Rights Reserved. In Greek cookery onions and garlic form...
The Wisdom of Lemons

The Wisdom of Lemons

(An extract from the new book “Cooking & Eating Wisdom for Better Health (Balboa press)) © 2013 Maria Benardis. All Rights Reserved. In ancient Greece lemons were used for culinary and non-culinary purposes. According to Greek mythology oranges and lemons were a...
Hail the Kale…

Hail the Kale…

Kale has it origins in ancient Greece and Rome. Kale is the ancient member of the cabbage family. Kale was widely consumed in ancient Greece and was and still is used for medicinal purposes. To the Greeks kale has always been considered a super food and it grows wild...