
My background and how it helped…

My background and how it helped…

My background and how it helped in the writing of "Cooking & Eating Wisdom for Better Health"... I started my working life as an accountant and concentrated in taxation law. Completing my two degrees; Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and a Masters of Taxation Law...

10 ways to help your body detoxify and cleanse

10 ways to help your body detoxify and cleanse

As Hippocrates (the Father of Medicine) rightly shared, “Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease”. Our bodies have the ability to detoxify themselves however the body can become overwhelmed due to the volume of toxins exposed in its environment by way...

The healing properties of Water

The healing properties of Water

Water is one of the sources of energy that our bodies cannot live without. Most of our body is made up of water and therefore it requires the energy of water to be added to replenish and repair it. Water is one of the four elements which forms earths and our...

Travels to Greece

Travels to Greece

On the way to Terra Madre 2010 I stopped over in Jordan in the middle east. I was overjoyed to see so may religions living in one country in harmony and with the greatest respect for each other. The food was amazing and I was thrilled to see many Greek archeological...

Terra Madre 2010 and my inspiring encounter

Terra Madre 2010 and my inspiring encounter

Whilst in Terra Madre I met a remarkable woman from India , Kudarti Mitra Pravasan Kendra. I attended the Indian regional meeting and she gave a presentation on the organisation she works with called SEWA. The organisation is a network that assists women to find...

Bake a Fanouropita and make your wish come true

Bake a Fanouropita and make your wish come true

In the Greek Orthodox faith we have a Saint called Saint Fanourios. There is a traditional cake/pie that is dedicated to him.  This sweet cake is usually made once a year, on the eve of Saint Fanourios’ name day, every 27 August. It is brought to the church of Saint...

Thank you for your kind words and stay positive

Thank you for your kind words and stay positive

I wanted to thank everyone who sent me emails and letters to share with me their hear felt gratitude for my book “My Greek Family Table”. I feel touched that I have inspired so many of you to follow your dream and to get back into the kitchen and cook. Taking the big...

Turin here I come

Turin here I come

Hi everyone Slow Food Australia has selected me to be one of the delegates to attend Terra Madre 2010 (October 21-25) in Turin, Italy. I feel extremely honored to be attending this event and I cannot wait to share all my experiences with everyone at my cooking...